Spenser's Supreme Fiction-Platonic Natural Philosophy and the Faerie Queene (UTP) Jon A. Quitslund著 洋書 スペンサー
Spenser's Supreme Fiction-Platonic Natural Philosophy and the Faerie Queene (UTP) Jon A. Quitslund著 洋書 スペンサー - 洋書、外国語書籍,Spenser's Supreme Fiction-Platonic Natural Philosophy and the Faerie Queene (UTP) Jon A. Quitslund著 洋書 スペンサー - 洋書、外国語書籍,Spenser’s Faerie queene. A new edition with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical by John Upton . . . In two volumes Extra-Illustrated by ,Spenser’s Faerie queene. A new edition with a glossary, and notes explanatory and critical by John Upton . . . In two volumes Extra-Illustrated by ,The Faerie Queene : Edmund Spenser : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive